Make Better Choices
Repositioning Yahoo fantasy sports for players of all skill levels.
Role: Creative Director
Steal fantasy sports market share from ESPN.
A massive influx of new players and commissioners.
A campaign that unifies all the Yahoo fantasy products around a single value proposition.
How do you defeat a competitor with bigger budgets and a broader network?
Despite being well established in the space that was the challenge facing Yahoo fantasy sports. ESPN had gained dominance off the back of their strong television property.
However with the most games for players of all skill levels and a consistent number one rating by the FSGA, Yahoo is clearly the top Fantasy platform. We highlighted the fact that not using the best platform is a horrible decision.
Key visuals with Yattitude
We created artwork to pay off the promise of #1 in Fantasy.
There’s a party in here
Our end cards perfectly summed up the shenanigans awaiting inside the Yahoo Fantasy app.
Fantasy together
The strength of our campaign was that it could flex to support all the major sports.
Better Choices produced better results with record numbers of new users and returning commissioners.